
Website beoordeling michalkomorowski.com

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Michał Komorowski | The blog about programming, working in IT and not only

Lengte : 74

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The blog about programming, working in IT and not only

Lengte : 54

Let op, uw meta description zou tussen de 70 en 160 karakters (spaces included) moeten bevatten.


Michał Komorowski, C#, .NET, programowanie, IT, Visual Studio, blog, projektowanie oprogramowania, architektura oprogramowania, algorytmy, IntelliTrace, dobre praktyki, programming, algorithms, good practises, software design, software architecture

Goed, uw bevat meta keywords.

Og Meta Properties

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H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 12 5 0 0 0
  • [H1] Michał Komorowski
  • [H2] 14/10/2024
  • [H2] 05/04/2023
  • [H2] 07/10/2022
  • [H2] 14/01/2021
  • [H2] 27/11/2020
  • [H2] Author
  • [H2] Like Me
  • [H2] Contact Me
  • [H2] Subscribe Me
  • [H2] Disclaimer
  • [H2] Search this blog
  • [H3] Better together: BigQuery and Spanner expand operational insights with external datasets
  • [H3] What’s new with BigQuery federated queries
  • [H3] My presentation on Spotlight on Google Cloud Poland
  • [H3] Ethereum network and manipulations
  • [H3] My first research on blockchain!


We vonden 22 afbeeldingen in de pagina.

12 alt attributen ontbreken. Voeg alternatieve text toe zodat zoekmachines beter kunnen beoordelen wat het onderwerp van de afbeeldingen is.

Text/HTML Ratio

Ratio : 3%

De ratio van text tot HTML code is below 15 procent, dit betekent dat uw pagina waarschijnlijk meer tekst nodig heeft.


Perfect, geen Flash content gevonden in uw website.


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Herschreven URL

Slecht. Uw links maken gebruik van een query string.

Underscores in de URLs

Perfect! Geen underscores gevonden in uw URLs.

In-page links

We vonden een totaal van 248 links inclusie 8 link(s) naar bestanden

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Polityka prywatności Intern doFollow
Better together: BigQuery and Spanner expand operational insights with external datasets Intern doFollow
BigQuery Extern doFollow
Spanner Extern doFollow
Blog post Extern doFollow
documentation Extern doFollow
0 comments Intern doFollow
What’s new with BigQuery federated queries Intern doFollow
Bring analytics to your data: What’s new with BigQuery federated queries Extern doFollow
0 comments Intern doFollow
My presentation on Spotlight on Google Cloud Poland Intern doFollow
Spotlight on Google Cloud Poland Intern doFollow
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google Intern doFollow
Ethereum network and manipulations Intern doFollow
Nethermind Extern doFollow
EIP-1559 Extern doFollow
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My first research on blockchain! Intern doFollow
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SEO Keywords

Keywords Cloud

from bigquery post see blog ethereum google comments research eip-1559

Keywords Consistentie

Keyword Content Title Keywords Description Headings
google 6
research 6
comments 6
bigquery 6
eip-1559 5



Domein : michalkomorowski.com

Lengte : 20


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Waarschuwingen : 38

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